Taiwan's octogenarian couple a viral, sensational online models

Taiwan's octogenarian couple a viral, sensational online models

The couple have run a laundry for decades in a small town near the central city of Taichung.

Taiwan's trendiest couple these days are neither young celebrities nor teen influencers -- they are an octogenarian duo who run a mom-and-pop laundry service and have become an online sensation by modelling abandoned clothes.

Chang Wan-ji, 83, and his wife Hsu Sho-er, 84, have racked up nearly 600,000 followers on Instagram over the last month as their attitude-filled fashion portraits went viral.

They have even been featured in the Taiwanese edition of Vogue and Marie Claire.

The couple have run a laundry for decades in a small town near the central city of Taichung.

Taiwan's octogenarian couple a viral, sensational online models
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Over the years, customers have either forgotten or failed to collect reams of clothing that the couple never felt able to throw away.

Grandson Reef Chang, 31, hit upon the idea of using the clothes to alleviate the couple's boredom.

"My grandpa and grandma were staring blankly at the streets because business wasn't good," he told media. "I wanted to find something new they could enjoy doing."

The pair were naturals in front of the camera.

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如果今天還是秀娥氣勢贏,那我就會告訴萬吉,說應觀眾要求,必須出一篇秀娥特輯! 前幾天VOGUE的文章說到:「有一種愛叫萬吉和秀娥的愛❤️」,這是什麼愛?其實孫子也不知道,但當有人把整套好看的西裝送洗未取,拿來給兩人穿上,就算這次沒有相視而笑,就算衣服來自不同主人,也還是會覺得是情侶裝,這應該就是愛吧? 👴🏼萬吉(身長160) 成套西裝:至少20年以上未取成套雙排扣白西裝 內搭:8年以上未取布達佩斯紀念T(已找到新主人) 腰帶:萬吉的領帶 👵🏼秀娥(身長155) 成套西裝:至少15年以上未取全套卡其西裝 內搭:3年未取白t恤 💡溫馨提醒|洗衣服請記得拿、認同請分享❤️ These old clothes have been abandoned by customers at the laundry for years. Owners of the laundry store, Wanji and Sho-Er who are over 80 years old. Grandson just can't bear to see them overwhelmed with bore everyday. So, ask them to reinterpret fashion, hoping to let everyone know that age is not a barrier to have fun in fashion and even old clothings can transformed into trendy outfits! 💡A friendly reminder|Don’t forget to pick up your laundry. #有一種愛叫萬吉和秀娥的愛 #萬秀洗衣店 #Wantshow #wantshowasyoung #grandparents - - - #mixandmatch #clothes #ootd #wiw #instafashion #style #fashion #couple #夫婦 #80代 #grandma #grandpa #dappei @dappei_tw #juksyootd @mixfitmag_snap #cool_ootd #plainme_snap #plainme_life #femmefuture @nataliadornellas @irdailystyle @styleshare_kr #classyvision #vintage #古着 #コーディネート #love

A post shared by 萬秀的洗衣店|WANT SHOW as young (@wantshowasyoung) on

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一樣的衣服換一件裙子、一樣的褲子換一件衣服,再加上秀娥一個新的態度,就成了不同的萬吉👴🏼和秀娥👵🏼 萬吉很謝謝大家關心!藏起來的右手努力康復中! 👴🏼萬吉(身長160) 襯衫:至少6年未取花襯衫 內衣:萬吉日常白內衣 褲子:萬吉私服工作短褲 👵🏼秀娥(身長155) 上衣:8年未取紀念T(已找到新主人) 領巾:再度由被遺棄的手帕擔綱 裙子:再度由秀娥30年私服擔綱 💡溫馨提醒|洗衣服請記得拿、認同請分享❤️ These old clothes have been abandoned by customers at the laundry for years. Owners of the laundry store, Wanji and Sho-Er who are over 80 years old. Grandson just can't bear to see them overwhelmed with bore everyday. So, ask them to reinterpret fashion, hoping to let everyone know that age is not a barrier to have fun in fashion and even old clothings can transformed into trendy outfits! 💡A friendly reminder|Don’t forget to pick up your laundry. #萬秀洗衣店 #Wantshow #wantshowasyoung #grandparents - #mixandmatch #clothes #craftsman #しょくにん #ootd #wiw #instafashion #style #fashion #couple #夫婦 #80代 #budapest #grandma #grandpa #dappei @dappei_tw #juksyootd @mixfitmag_snap #cool_ootd #plainme_snap #plainme_life #femmefuture #culturecartel @nataliadornellas #classyvision #vintage #古着 #コーディネート

A post shared by 萬秀的洗衣店|WANT SHOW as young (@wantshowasyoung) on

"Modelling these clothes makes me feel 30 years younger," beamed Chang, when AFP paid a visit to the store earlier this week.

"Many people are telling me 'You are famous now and you look younger'."

Hsu felt so, too.

"I am old in age but my heart is not ageing," she said. "I like to put on pretty clothes and go out to have some fun."

- Worldwide fame -

It was while modelling other people's garments, Hsu came to remember that she also had many forgotten outfits in her closet which she has since rediscovered.

"I even found some clothes I bought 30 years ago and I can still wear them. It's a happy surprise," she said.

The couple's Instagram account -- @wantshowasyoung -- is managed by grandson Reef.

Chang currently only uses the Line messaging app to make free phone calls but Reef says his grandfather is keen to learn how to make the perfect Instagram post.

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本來想拍出冷酷的感覺,結果這套每一張的萬吉和秀娥都自己在秀恩愛啦! 這兩件西裝外套真的有夠久,據說甚至可能比孫子年紀還大(不可考),但是剪裁和設計實在完全不輸現在的風格,萬吉身上那件衣服有個細節沒有呈現到,那是一件格紋拼接的獵裝啊!!!雖然兩件size對於萬吉秀娥大了點,但是卻因為秀恩愛好像變成情侶裝了啦! 👴🏼萬吉(身長160) 西裝外套:應該有20年以上未取格紋獵裝 上衣:阿公日常白內衣 褲子:阿公私服西裝褲破掉自己去改短的短褲 👵🏼秀娥(身長155) 西裝外套:至少15年以上未取長版駝色西裝 內搭:5年以上未取金釦針織上衣 裙子:再度由秀娥30年私服擔綱 💡溫馨提醒|洗衣服請記得拿、認同請分享❤️ These old clothes have been abandoned by customers at the laundry for years. Owners of the laundry store, Wanji and Sho-Er who are over 80 years old. Grandson just can't bear to see them overwhelmed with bore everyday. So, ask them to reinterpret fashion, hoping to let everyone know that age is not a barrier to have fun in fashion and even old clothings can transformed into trendy outfits! 💡A friendly reminder|Don’t forget to pick up your laundry. #萬秀洗衣店 #Wantshow #wantshowasyoung #grandparents #mixandmatch #clothes #craftsman #しょくにん #ootd #wiw #instafashion #style #fashion #couple #夫婦 #80代 #budapest #grandma #grandpa #dappei @dappei_tw #juksyootd @mixfitmag_snap #cool_ootd #plainme_snap #plainme_life #femmefuture #culturecartel @nataliadornellas #classyvision #vintage #古着

A post shared by 萬秀的洗衣店|WANT SHOW as young (@wantshowasyoung) on

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秀娥開心❤️(萬吉到底說了什麼?) 萬吉看秀娥穿這樣好像講起了什麼事,結果秀娥就突然笑了~這件看起來很少女的衣服不知道什麼原因也被主人遺忘,但阿嬤再度無違和的撐起...另外要說一下萬吉的眼鏡,一個83歲的老人家,以前都戴金框眼鏡,結果某一天他出門回來,自己去配了一副黑框... 👴🏼萬吉(身長160) 外搭:7年以上未取格紋壓扣襯衫 上衣:5年以上未取條紋亨利領襯衫 褲子:阿公私服工作短褲(但堅持工作褲也要熨燙過) 👵🏼秀娥(身長155) 洋裝:10年以上未取吊帶格紋洋裝 內搭:10年以上未取小碎花襯衫 💡溫馨提醒|洗衣服請記得拿、認同請分享❤️ These old clothes have been abandoned by customers at the laundry for years. Owners of the laundry store, Wanji and Sho-Er who are over 80 years old. Grandson just can't bear to see them overwhelmed with bore everyday. So, ask them to reinterpret fashion, hoping to let everyone know that age is not a barrier to have fun in fashion and even old clothings can transformed into trendy outfits! 💡A friendly reminder|Don’t forget to pick up your laundry. #萬秀洗衣店 #Wantshow #wantshowasyoung #grandparents #mixandmatch #clothes #craftsman #しょくにん #ootd #wiw #instafashion #style #fashion #couple #夫婦 #80代 #budapest #grandma #grandpa #dappei @dappei_tw #juksyootd @mixfitmag_snap @uniqlo_ootd #converse @converse #cool_ootd #plainme_snap #plainme_life #femmefuture #culturecartel @nataliadornellas #classyvision #vintage #古着

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The account first started going viral abroad and around 400,000 new fans have started following in the past week alone after major international media picked up on their success.

Reef said he translates and reads out fan mail pouring in from all over the world.

"We're very moved by the messages," he told AFP, "Many people are saying that 'Wantshowasyoung' is the first happy news they've seen in this dark year marred by the Covid-19 pandemic and problems in many countries," he added.

The couple's worldwide fame has also prompted a few forgetful customers to pick up old clothes, while some local fans have started visiting their sleepy town to see the store.

The shop is named "Wan Sho" -- a combination of the middle character of their Chinese names.

- Re-use clothes -

The couple tied the knot in an arranged marriage six decades ago, a practice then common in Taiwan.

Chang said he had thought about retiring but decided to stay on as long as he can as the laundry business has become less labour-intensive thanks to machines.

"Elderly people should keep moving and remain active or we will age faster... When I am working and being kept busy, I don't have time to worry," he said.

Chang says he has lost count of how many garments have gone uncollected in his shop over the decades but he thinks there are at least 400 items at the moment.

Many more have been donated to charities and impoverished families over the years.

The couple hope to use their new social media clout to promote the concept of "environmental fashion".

"Instead of following 'fast fashion' and keep buying new clothes, we hope people can see that old and second-hand clothes can be fashionable if you arrange and combine them in new ways," said Reef Chang.

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